2022. Level 2. Sacred Geometry of Sound, Human and Universe. Advanced Techniques of healing with Vibration and Sound. Healing Voice & Overtone chanting

Certified by Sound Energy Medicine Practitioners Association

Course Introduction

Live in London 28-29 Jan 2023 plus Bonus: Online course recorded in Sep 2022

~ Deep dive into Sacred Geometry of the Universe, Human, and Sound

~ Advanced Techniques of healing with Vibration and Sound.
~ Harmonics: the healing power, the science behind harmonics. Sacred harmonics in Shamanism, Tantra, Nada Yoga & other traditions. Harmonics for Meditation & Healing. History of Sound Harmonics’ perception throughout centuries.
~ Power of Voice and Chanting. Chanting in various sacred traditions. Tibetan Chanting practice, purifying energy centres. Overtone chanting. Light Language. Mantra power.

~ Qi Gong for purification & infinite energy

Level 2 is for those willing to dive deeper into harmonics and sacred geometry of sound, human being and the universe, the power of mantras healing, voice and overtone chanting, and transformative inner alchemy practices based on sacred geometry.

The graduates receive:

~ 4 more complex Sound Bath techniques ~ practices for individual internal energy work, transforming energy body into sacred geometry mandala: Healing Harmonics, Sri Yantra ~Pentagram ~Merkaba, Enneagram 4th Way, and Tree of Life, as well as

~ learn overtone chanting as voice therapy, and Mantras to activate inner powers, as well as chanelling Light Language

~ QiGong practice to release the tension in the body after any massage therapy or intense yoga practice, practices for energy protection, and connection to Infinite Energy around for staying in high frequency at any moment.

You will learn the following Sound & Energy Medicine Techniques: 

~ Self-healing with Voice & Light Language

~ Overtone chanting

~ Sound Bath techniques based on sacred geometry Healing Harmonics, Sri Yantra ~Pentagram ~Merkaba, Enneagram 4th Way ( based on works of Gurjieff) , and the Tree of Life. In parallel with learning Sound Bath techniques you will also experience ancient Meditation Mind Yoga bringing awareness to various points in the body to activate sacred geometry mandala within..

~ Qi Gong practices for protection, connecting to Infinite Energy field, and purification after any energy healing session (foundations of QUANTA’ Healing & Leadership programme)

and obtain necessary skills for one-on-one sessions and leading group Sound Baths, as well as integrating Himalayan and Crystal Singing Bowls and Healing with Voice to meditation and yoga classes, Reiki, other massage therapies, psychotherapy and counselling, work with women, elderly, and children.

We highly recommend to complete Level 1 course first to receice necessary Sound Energy Medicine foundation and skills of working with Singing Bowls.

Food for thought: in Buddhism Maitreya, the Buddha of the future, can be translated from Sanskrit as Harmonic Resonance…

The science started to research the impact of vibration and sound on human in XIX century, Einstein, Tesla all believed in incredible power of vibration and resonance, later few scientists were able to shut cancer and leukaemia cells in human body with the resonance. See more at our page Science

Himalayan Singing Bowls are becoming more and more popular in recent years with Tibetan lamas travelling the world, and yogis incorporating the bowls into group meditations.

Your voice also has incredible power to heal – in fact it’s the only instrument you need for self-healing – tapping into that inner power is an incredible discovery of your divine nature.

You will experience:

~ Deep dive into Energy Medicine and Nada Yoga. The true essence of power of music and evolution of Science of sacred geometry, including social & political efforts to modify music transmission through centuries. Science about the vibration, sound, frequency, and resonance. Quantum and field theories and their correspondence to sacred knowledge in Sutras. Practices to activate healing potential and transform consciousness (foundations of QUANTA’ Healing & Leadership TT course)

~ Sound Energy Medicine with the bowls: the impact of the bowls on physical and energy bodies, channelling, connecting to healing energy based on various techniques learned.

~ Self-healing with Voice and Overtone Chanting, Light Language.

~ Qi Gong Energy and Space Protection ceremony (QUANTA Universe Healing transmission).

~ Understanding Divine nature of Human

See detailed Course Syllabus below…

Need some help? Contact Lola Lhamo

LhamoLola @ gmail. com or WhatsApp +62 812 39177823 (Bali) +44 775 709 3532 (UK)

Course Instructor

Lola Lhamo Lola Lhamo Author

The course will be lead by Lola Lhamo, yoga teacher and energy healer with over 20 years experience, the founder of Sound Energy Medicine Practitioners Association and QUANTA’ Healing & Leadership programme for Creators of New Earth.

Lola has deep connections with Tibetan Buddhism, Daoism, and yoga from childhood. She co-created Buddhist centre, helped in building Enlightenment Stupa at Roerich Museum, travelled to India and Nepal to places of powers with Tibetan lamas, participated in Congress on Psychology and Spirituality in India. Lola has learned the techniques of working with energy, sound and vibration from Tibetan lamas and also by practicing with other masters of Yoga, Qigong, Nada Yoga, and Energy healing.

Lola has QUANTA’ Healing & Leadership studios in London and Bali, sharing energy & sound healing, Qi Gong, Yoga, and spiritual coaching, and co-creating conscious communities around the world (see www.Creators.Earth) with aim of bringing the experience of harmony and wholeness.


You can enrol into the Course by choosing 2 options of participation:

£333: Option 1. Course with Certification

£399: Option 2. Course with Certification + 1on1 session with Lola Lhamo related to course study

£477: Option 3: Course with Certification + 1on1 with Lola + QUANTA Healing & Leadership session with Lola (2-3h)

Both options include lifetime access to recorded online course material (theory + practice videos). Option 2 includes cost of individual session of certification with Lola guiding and answering all questions.

Certification. To be certified as a Sound Therapist and start professional activity Lola has to see you practicing. To become certified you have to complete Level 1 training and:

  • Attend live course in London or Bali and practice with the group, or
  • If studying only online – Submit your video of sound healing session to Lola Lhamo for review, or
  • Schedule one-on-one Skype session where Lola can observe you practicing giving comments

Course with Certification


Course + 1on1


Course with certification + 1on1 session with Lola related to study

Course + 1on1 + Healing


Course with certification + 1on1 + QUANTA’ Healing & Leadership session with Lola

Course Programme

Please, see all Lessons of Course Programme below. First 3 Introductory Lessons are free and include BONUS Video on How to choose singing bowl for sound healing practice.


Download course material

Introduction from Lola Lhamo

Chapter #1. Sacred Geometry of Universe, Human, Sound

Chapter #2. Advanced Sound Bath techniques based on Sacred Geometry

Q&A Sound Bath Techniques

Chapter #4. QUANTA Healing & Qi Gong. Inner Alchemy.

Chapter 3. Power of Voice


What’s Next?

Course Instructor

Lola Lhamo Lola Lhamo Author

Course with Certification


Course + 1on1


Course with certification + 1on1 session with Lola related to study

Course + 1on1 + Healing


Course with certification + 1on1 + QUANTA’ Healing & Leadership session with Lola


Download course material

Introduction from Lola Lhamo

Chapter #1. Sacred Geometry of Universe, Human, Sound

Chapter #2. Advanced Sound Bath techniques based on Sacred Geometry

Q&A Sound Bath Techniques

Chapter #4. QUANTA Healing & Qi Gong. Inner Alchemy.

Chapter 3. Power of Voice


What’s Next?


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