Your Activity Promotion

Your Webpage at SEMPA

When you complete your certification as Sound Therapist, we are happy to create your own Web page, which you can use in your business card and other promotional materials. Please, forward your photo, short bio, contact details, when you are ready, and we will publish those at SEMPA website, so other people can find you.

Examples of such personal pages you may see by visiting Find Specialist and clicking on any name – some links will redirect to personal page, some to Facebook pages of graduates, by their choice.

Facebook Group for sound events:

Feel free to join and publish your sound events via our Facebook group Singing Bowls. Sound Energy Medicine (over 500 followers).

Facebook Page of SEMPA

Please, like Facebook page of Sound Energy Medicine Association to follow our activity, publications and events

Instagram Page of SEMPA

Please, like Instagram page of SEMPA and follow our activity, publications and events

We often publish stories and events of our Graduates on this page