An architect of innovative transformational projects and ambassador of conscious leadership. 15 years in international business consultancy, in conceiving and managing global strategy for projects in the finance, payments, telecoms, computing, FMCG, luxury goods, and healthcare sectors.
Initiator of idea of Corporate Social Responsibility integration to activities of leading companies. Coaching on personal and professional transformation and team leadership.
Lola has connection with Yoga, Dao, and energy healing since childhood. Life brought her meetings with wonderful teachers, Daoist masters, Indian yogis, Tibetan lamas, alchemists, and New Earth scientists…
Lola helped building Enlightenment Stupa at Roerich Museum, travelled with Tibetan lamas to India and Nepal to Buddhist monasteries and places of power, participated at World Congress on Psychology and Spirituality in India… Currently deepening studies in Daoist Arts and Chinese Medicine in Five Immortals temple in Wudang, China.
After 25 years of practice Lola created QUANTA Bio-Energy Centre with mission of activation and integration of evolutionary leaders – Creators of New Earth. Centre offers programmes merging spirituality & science, practices of QUANTA Energy Medicine, Yoga, Dao Qi Gong, mindfulness, sound and vibrational healing, spiritual coaching iCreate, and latest bio-resonance tech.
Lola integrates knowledge of Himalayan Hatha, Kriya & Yin Yoga (RYT500h), Buddhist Mind Yoga and Neuropsychology, EpiEnergetics & Coaching, Pranayam and Meditation, Sound Energy Medicine and healing with the power of voice and Singing Bowls, Daoist Medicine (certified Acupuncturist), Qi Gong & Cosmic Healing, Reiki (Master) and QUANTA Energetics – alchemical practices, reconnecting to our true nature, developing capacity to transform energy for healing and wholeness.
Lola also manages Sound Energy Medicine Practitioners Association (SEMPA), offering Sound Therapy certified courses worldwide for yoga teachers and energy healers, psychotherapists and clinicians, enjoys merging latest scientific research in sound, frequency & Bio-Energy medicine.
Lola touched upon Singings Bowls when she met Tibetan lamas in 2008, while helping in creation of Enlightenment Stupa at Roerich Museum, and during her travels with Lamas to Buddhism sacred places in India and Nepal, immersed into studies of Buddhist Mind Yoga. Enchanted by deep effect of the bowls she considered this instruments sacred and believed for a long time, that no-one, except lamas, can touch singing bowl for practice. With time she learned the techniques of working with the bowls and received knowledge on energy work, and was blessed to transmit this ancient knowledge.
Lola founded Sound Energy Medicine Practitioners Association to bring together all the practitioners of sound therapy, organise education events, yoga and sound festivals, and assist in leading more scientific research in this area. Several scientific research have been already organised at the Academy of Science, Brain Institute, the results are always shared with course participants.
Lola teaches in London and Bali, as well as travels around the world.
Next courses are here: Sound Energy Medicine and Nada Yoga
LhamoLola @ gmail. com
Lola Lhamo Facebook page
Mob: +44 775 7093 532 (WhatsApp)